Saturday 8 September 2012

10 Most Beautiful Flowers In The World


These tiny flowers are so small and beautiful that you’ll be in love with them at the first sight. Their formation on the trees is really so magical and are perfect in every way. You’ll find the innocence in them.

2. Rose

These are the most beautiful and scented flowers of the world and as I mentioned above each color of rose represents something.

3. Lantana

They are in different live colors and grow in bush, as the time passes the bushes grow large and the color is so exotic yellow and pink, but as the plant grows the color of petals change.

4. Blue Bells

They resemble solitude and regret and are often found in woods. Covered in a blue dense layer, these trees look like heaven trees.

5. Bleeding Heart

These are also the gift of spring and are in different shades of red, pink and white. The way they are on the plant they feel like hearts hanging in a row.

6. Calla Lily

You look at the flower and you will find sophistication and elegancy. But behind that elegancy, there is poison because it is from the species of poisonous plant family. The flower is highly toxic.

7. Hydrangea

They resemble a snow ball, because of its bluish white color. They have the beautiful petals like a star. People love them in their weddings because it represents the innocent feeling.

8. Bird of Paradise

They really look like a bird because of its shape and color and are found in South Africa plus it is also called as crane flower.

9. Canna

These flowers have the most beautiful flowers and leaves. These are also called the canna lily because that they belong to the family of lilies and are an agricultural plant. So, it really is worth watching.

10. Cherry Blossom

These beautiful Japanese flowers are the best gift of spring. They come in both white and pink. Seriously watch these flowers in sunlight that is the best sight ever.

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